Welcome to Dosbarth Drudwy (Year 2)

A warm welcome to our class page! The aim of this page is to give you a taste of the wonderful work, events and activities that take place in Year 2.  Mrs Hobbs, Miss Hayes and Miss Davies have the pleasure of teaching this lively, enthusiastic and friendly class of 29 pupils.

Our aim is to ensure that all pupils continue to be confident, independent, creative and happy throughout their time in our class. We love speaking Welsh every day and have lots of fun as we learn.

Spring term theme:  A Special Invitation

Drudwy staff:

Class Teacher: Mrs Hobbs

PPA Teacher:  Mrs Owen

Teaching Assistants: Miss Hayes, Miss Davies

Important information:

  • Pupils to wear their PE kit every Tuesday
  • Homework will be set every Friday on Google Classroom
  • Pupils should return reading books on their designated day

Follow us on Twitter @DosDrudwy